Same Day Delivery Online Florist Delivery
100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Fresh flowers, flower arrangements, centerpieces, roses and plants delivered the same day nearly anywhere in the United States or Canada with the convenience of secure online ordering. The online florist delivers a very large collection of quality Teleflora and Carik flowers. Your satisfaction is guaranteed.

Flowers Across America is a nationwide floral delivery service offering a huge selection of flower arrangements from our popular Internet site. Our experience in the flower industry runs far deeper than the Internet age as we have been florists for over 40 years satisfying hundreds of thousands of customers. Our commitment to excellence and customer service is unmatched.


Established in 1999 Flowers Across America has become one of the leading online florists. But it didnīt begin there! Most florist web sites were created recently to take advantage of the marketing opportunity that the Internet offered. We were founded as florists, over 40 years ago and have been helping people order flowers since. We are first and foremost florists. Our experience and expertise allows us to offer you the best possible online flower shopping.
Our main web site features flowers for every occasion including birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, funeral homes, and more. Additionally, we offer various arrangements, bouquets, fruit baskets, and gifts. Our well known brands include flowers by FTD and our extensive network of florists, find a florist allows us to offer same day delivery to nearly all of the United States and Canada. Most of all we want you to be satisfied and stand behind our products with a knowledgeable staff of professional florists and a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

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